Our nursery care is available from 9:30 am to 10:45 am for infants through kindergarten. However, we will begin offering a Zoom preschool class in December 2020.
Nursery care is on hiatus due to COVID. Please contact our Director of Children’s and Youth Education for more information.
Music is an integral and important part of our worship experience at St. Paul’s. The Sanctuary Choir provides music during worship services, and members are encouraged to provide special music in solos or small groups, either vocally or instrumentally.
Choir practice is on hiatus due to COVID.
St. Paul’s Organ was built in 1941 by the former M.P. Moller Organ Factory in Hagerstown, MD. The instrument consists of four divisions: Great, Swell, Choir, and Pedal — virtually four organs in one — in two chambers on either side of the balcony.
SEEKERS is a topic-based group that is for you if you have more questions than answers and like to explore these hard questions together in an open and non-dogmatic way. We probe the mysteries of faith in open and frank conversations. We are a group that is unified in our search, while we are on our individual paths. No matter who you are, you are welcome here.
Seekers is currently meeting online, Sundays at 9:00 AM, prior to our Sunday Service.
Eureka is an adult Bible study group. We focus on one book of the Bible at a time in a guided discussion.
Eureka is currently on hiatus due to COVID.
Our religious education for youth is open to students in middle and high school. During COVID, Confirmation Class for middle school students meets via Zoom on Saturday afternoons at 4:00 pm.
Sunday youth group for middle and high school students is on hiatus due to COVID. Please contact our Director of Children’s and Youth Education for more information.
Music is an integral and important part of our worship experience at St. Paul’s. The Sanctuary Choir provides music during worship services, and members are encouraged to provide special music in solos or small groups, either vocally or instrumentally.
Choir practice is on hiatus due to COVID.
St. Paul’s Organ was built in 1941 by the former M.P. Moller Organ Factory in Hagerstown, MD. The instrument consists of four divisions: Great, Swell, Choir, and Pedal — virtually four organs in one — in two chambers on either side of the balcony.
Our religious education for children is open to all children from first grade through fifth grade. During COVID, Sunday School for children meets via Zoom at 9:30 am on Sundays.
Please contact our Director of Children’s and Youth Education for more information.