Don’t be alone. We’re here to help!
Because many people with mental illness, brain injuries, or substance addictions don’t share their stories with others, they and their families are often not included in the network of care our congregations normally extend to a member who is ill.
Since 2019, St. Paul’s has adopted the United Church of Christ’s calling to be Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive and Engaged (W.I.S.E) for mental health. We commit to welcome, include, support, and engage with people with mental illness, substance abuse, and brain disorders.
St. Paul’s Action
We offer our space for a multitude of support groups, including Alcoholic’s Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, NAMI, Yoga, and more!
St. Paul’s Covenant
As a UCC congregation, we join a network of churches who have adopted a covenant intentionally supporting and engaging mental health.