Volunteer Opportunities with SPUCC
As a congregation, we have been miraculously bless with outrageous talent and great passion to do good things. We owe it to the world, to our own professions of Christian faith, and to God to fully employ the gifts with which we have been endowed. Gratitude is a great foundation for giving back.
Community Focused Volunteer Opportunities:
Anti-Racism Leadership Team
Anit-Racism Visual Renewal
Anti-Racism Pen Pals
Environment and Climate Justice
WISE Task Force
Pflag First Fridays:
Join the strong team that facilitates monthly social time for community, youth, help with planning the gatherings, bring snacks, come and hang out and play games, etc.
LGBTQIA+ Community Engagement
Meal and More Onsite Volunteering:
Opportunities: bringing food according to weekly menu, preparing and serving food, setting up and cleaning up, welcoming, visiting with and providing hospitality for guests on Thursdays from about 11am to 2pm.
Meal and More Periodic Food Donations
Quechua Benefit Support
Xeina Support
Volunteer at Shepherd’s Staff
Volunteer at Carroll Food Sunday
Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity ReStore:
Engage with Habitat for Humanity Restore to build and renovate homes in our community.
In-House Volunteer Opportunities:
Visitation of Members and Friends:
Sign up for an email list/phone tree to share information and organize responses to various need of St. Paul’s congregation members. Needs will vary widely but might include things like transporting someone to a doctor appointment, providing food support in crisis, visiting in homes, etc. The Team in envisioned as the practical complement to the email Prayer list.
Seekers Planning Team
Fundraising Group
Spaghetti Dinners:
Help with advertising and ticket sales, setting-up, cooking, serving, clearing and donations of designated food items.
Tech Team:
Supporting the use of media in worship, education, and other settings. Expand live-streaming services and other events, ensure adequate internet and wi-fi coverage throughout the building.
Sunday Morning Readers
Wider Church Involvement as SPUCC Rep
Moving and Sorting Stuff, as needed
In collaboration with the Facilities Manager, Carol Townshend and according to need, do some of the work needed on buildings, grounds, gardens, etc.
Connections is a wonderful way to get to know your church community better. We are a small team that convenes new and old members of St. Paul’s on the regular to provide opportunities to connect.
Music Ministry:
Participate in the marvelous music ministry of this congregation by becoming involved in the Sanctuary Choir, Bell Choir (Belle Grove Legato in conjunction with Westminster Church of the Brethren), Rainbow Ringers, various ensembles, bands, solos, etc.